Exercise-1: Quiz on Interview Questions on Limit Fit and Tolerance

This exercise includes commonly asked exam and interview questions on Limit, Fit and Engineering tolerances in mechanical engineering. We recommend you to read this article on Limit fit and Engineering Tolerance before trying this exercise.

This exercise will help you in your exam and interview and build your understanding on limit fit and tolerance in mechanical engineering.

Please note, Negative marking is applicable. Please do not attempt question where you are in doubt.

Welcome to your Questions on Limit Fit and Engineering Tolerance

What is basic Dimension in 50±1 mm?

What is the Maximum Material Condition (MMC) for given hole and shaft?

What is the Least Material Condition (LMC) for given hole and shaft?

Why do engineers need tolerance on mating parts?​

If a shaft is 9 ± 0.5 mm in going inside a hole of 10 ± 0.5 mm. What will be the maximum clearance between hole and shaft?

If a shaft is 9 ± 0.5 mm in going inside a hole of 10 ± 0.5 mm. What will be the maximum allowance between hole and shaft?

If a shaft of size 30 ± 0.2 is going inside a hole of size 29.9 ± 0.3. What type of fit it is?

If a shaft MMC=21mm, shaft LMC = 20mm and Hole MMC=18mm, Hole LMC=19mm. What type of fit it is?

If a shaft MMC=21mm, shaft LMC = 20mm and Hole MMC=22mm, Hole LMC=23mm. What type of fit it is?

Select the examples of Clearance fit between two parts in real world.

If all of your answers are not correct, we recommend to again read this article on Limit, Fit and Engineering Tolerance. Because this is basic to the Tolerance Stack-up Analysis.

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